Sunday, November 2, 2008

An Oversized Sweatshirt, A Green Purse, and A pair of Jeans

She turns the knob and walks through the door, taking sluggish steps towards one of three long tables in the center of the room. Her blue, oversized sweatshirt engulfs her normally thin figure. Tries desperately to push her sleeves up to her elbows but she struggles in vain as it falls back down the moment she moves. She is carrying on her shoulder a large, dark green, multi textured, leather purse with the edges of a laptop protruding from its opening. The laptop is not the only item in her purse. She reaches in and struggles for a second with her purse, only to pull out her simple, grey, cell-phone. She drops her purse on one of the tables and flips her phone open to receive a call. The cell-phone covers almost all her ear except for the little stud earring that glinted for a very brief second. On her other ear was an identical stud. She smiles and starts to talk to the person on the other end of the line. She sits down on one of the chairs and crosses her legs. Her lightly dyed denim jeans look quite used, with frayed pant legs from months of being stepped on by her shoes.


Liz Reilly said...

Again, someone who's made use of negative space! I think Diana was the other one...But whereas the first thought I had with hers was "haiku", the first thought yours gave to me was "imagism", because you circle back onto her appearance and activity so much, with no tangent.

But there's an emotional resonance there. Precisely what emotion or emotion set you're trying to resonate, I don't know yet, but I'm getting some sort of vibe!

Or are you choosing not to resonate? Am I deluding myself? Are you being purely descriptive here?

Also - you've got a great eye for women. From reading your other pieces and then this, you've got a good handle on the feminine, all the little looks and motions that might not readily occur to someone who doens't have/perform them themselves. You and Edgar need to collaborate for a series of literary portraits of ladies!

Actually, unless someone is about to prove me wrong further down the blogroll, there's a lot of women in our descriptions. The female body is the go-to canvas for artistic expression - I wonder, is this the reason? Is it a coincidence, or is there a larger impulse to observe, record, and descibe the female of the species?

Nothing wrong with it, but it's interesting. And it makes me want to write about a bunch of dudes to even things out :)

Unknown said...

There is some kind of emotions in this... and its a sad one. Becuase I'm a masochist, i love being said and in pain. How awful is that? Ha!

Most of my friends are women, and i did grow up in a predominantly female household. So the female figure, and their habits, almost comes second nature to me. I don't know what that says about me but yeah. haha Thanks for the comment.

Liz Reilly said...

dude! it says a lot about you - a lot of good things, i think. i'm not trying to discriminate or disparage other guys' upbringings *but* i think that went you have a predominantly single-gender household it can give you a bigger perspective on that gender.

i dunno if its psychologically sound or just me yammering on - but awwwwwwwww!

and now i know why you wanted me to spell masochist for you the other day...suffering has its (artistic) uses! i hear ya there, though. just keep going!