Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Nagging Question of Essay 4 (Blog 18?)

I've gotten some great suggestions from my fellow colleagues, and I really appreciate them all. I've got several avenues to choose from, and I think all of them are viable essays, not unlike the failed attempt in essay 3. Liz and Nicole suggested to write about getting over this "hump" of getting through this (this being writting another essay, or probbably more about finishing out college). They (i think) they both touched on one of the topics I was seriously thinking of writing about, this whole emptiness and "uninspiredness" after 21 years of life... I think theres something there... i"ll have to write it out.

Angela also provided me with some insight of things I can write about work, school, etc. I was trying to figure out what to write about so I had try it out...

Heres a brief sample, this may or may not be part of the essay:

Where I work there’s a decent sized room that’s hidden from the hustle and bustle of our front office. It never gets contaminated by the drama of irate customers or the numbing sensation of a slow day. It’s a white rectangular room, decorated with marks of countless hours of office-recreation on the walls. Three of its four walls each have a door that leads out to other places, but they really only lead to more work, hence it’s not important. The fourth wall has two large, rectangular windows that make available to those inside the room a view of the incessant flux of the world outside. In spring, the windows are a vehicle for temptation, to go outside and bask in the life that nature brings. In autumn, it echoes the fiery heat of summer through the colors of the soon to be falling leaves, while heralding the coming of winter with its strong, cold breeze. Apart from the doors, the windows, and the single water cooler, the rest of the walls were covered by two rows of lockers. In the middle of the room are three long tables, each with enough space to be actually occupied in all directions. Around these tables are chairs that disappear and reappear in random fashion. There’s nothing extremely inviting about the room, perhaps the only reason for it is its isolation from the drudgery of work. Anytime one’s on break, its in this room you can find them, sitting on a chair, chatting with others, whether they were on the clock or not. It’s a sanctuary of sorts, where deep conversations are often had, regardless of the audience that may or may not walk in through the door. It’s a haven for people who just need to talk, there’s always someone there.

1 comment:

The Cookie Monster said...

i think it would both hilarious and intriguing if you wrote your paper on your average Monday, leading up to this class at 2PM. You say you're running on fumes, as if you're tired. Tell us how tired. You may start off your day full of sugar, rainbows, and alot of Starbucks, but by the time you end up here in class, only the Starbucks remains in your tank(cause Starbucks=crack...and crack never truly leaves your system). Break it down hour by hour, class by class, CAS work schedule by annoying freshmen that ask you a stupid question. Show us how bad/happy/draining your day is.