Monday, November 17, 2008

Essay 4 Ideas

Its nearly the end of the semester and I'm seriously running on fumes by this point. I didn't realize that the semester was gonna be so tough. Senioritis plus paper-intensive classes have driven me crazy. In any case, the reason for the previous explanation is this, I have no idea what to write about. Perhaps I've exhausted all my material, or maybe, I'm just exhausted, period.

Maybe I can write about this entire semester. How I can see the finish line but I'm slowly running out gas.

Perhaps I can write about the CAS lunch room. There are so many things that go on in that room. I have no clue.


Liz Reilly said...

This is ridiculous -0 you're sitting right behind me yet i'm quasi-emailing you....whatever!

Ok, now - I'm with you here - there's so much and so little time. Why not write about feeling burnt out? I'm sure you could conjure up something elegant about feeling godawfully empty and uninspired.

You've covered romance, photography, emotional pain, vouyerism, and such...maybe something non-heartstring tugging. How about a cranky Jose? (drink name!)

If I think of anything cooler, I'll let you know. But you're not alone in scraping the barrel.

Angela C. said...

Jose I have a great idea, or I think it's great. How about a story about the bar? Your favorite drink, or drinking with friends? You told me that You don't drink to get drunk, so how about some of the stories you have from juts sitting with some friends drinkin at a bar?

Or if you're writing about the CAS, how about the junk you have in your locker? Why do you have cups in there?!?

or maybe about the conversations and stories you have in the lunch room , diffrent people you met there like me haha.

On a serious matter, since you are leaving soon, what are some of the greatest,funniest and most upsetting things that you have gone encountered or talked about in the break room? Made any life long friends?

Nicole said...

i think you can turn actually this into an essay.

Everyone uin their younger life thinks about what you wanna be when you grow up, so you do the whole school things not realizing how hard it is going to be right when you are about to finish. its like life is giving you hard times and you have to conquer them to get by or to make it out alive! maybe this can be about being so tired and how you have to pull through. now, also im with liz. You have conquered all these things with ease it seems ( from your essay point writtin not so much in life with ease i am sure it was hard) but write about how you conqured all these things but now you have to conquer this too! ahhhh.. i think this is going to be a good essay!!